Ongoing Projects

Ongoing Projects




Al Ula Area Geological Study This geological engineering study is carried out in a mountainous area at about 25 kilometers south-east of Al Ula’s.. It is ongoing project and the first report was submitted and approved by PIF. The geological investigation of the project area is an integral part of a more comprehensive research work that intends to provide the lead executive architect with the guidelines for any design limitations and constraints.  Public Investment Fund (PIF)

Geothermal Exploration of Al Madinah City

This project is a collaborative work between FGGEC (GRC, KAU), University of Hawaii, Geological Survey of Iceland and CGG to explore the potential of exploiting any available reserves of geothermal energy

Ministry of Education

Southern Province Cement Company

The project work includes Mining Modelling and Reserve Estimation for a new limestone quarry.


Seismic Imaging and Tomography of the Red Sea

This project study is collaborated between FGGEC (GRC, KAU), Imperial College, UK andNational Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Egypt.

Ministry of Education


Last Update
9/14/2021 10:27:15 AM